Instagram westendkel_psb Closer to Heaven a Pet Shop Boys musical still on During the MCMLXXXIX Tour in Hong Kong 1989. Now Shadows on the sun Another night's begun It's alwa One thing that's funny about the Pet Shop Boys at #petshopboys #dreamworldtour #petshopboysforever # Pet Shop Boys Dreamworld Tour Wembley 17th June, 2 Neil Tennant talking to Sarah Greene on Going Live A letter written by Neil Tennant, thanking Radio 1 Inward flight: Pet Shop Boys decided on a radical The computer imagery of Can You Forgive Her came f Scene from 'It Couldn't Happen Here' Pet Shop Boys Pet Shop Boys 1980's #petshopboys #petshopboysfan Dear Get Smart!, On Saturday August 27 I was liste Pet Shop Boys #petshopboys #petshopboysfans #pets Instagram post 17874750572713806 Follow on Instagram